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Offering courses or one-off sessions on parenting or related topics can encourage and support parents – both those inside the church and those in the wider community.

There are several good parenting courses available based on Christian principles, but parents who don’t want to commit to 6 or 7 weeks may be pleased to attend one-off sessions on topics such as ‘toddler first aid’ or ‘a good diet for children’. Contact your local health visitor, GP surgery or the Red Cross or St John Ambulance for speakers.


Spiritual parenting 

(Michelle Anthony, David C Cook)

2016 conference recommendation by Terry Williams & Alan Charter

It’s hard enough to train children to behave, but good behaviour isn’t what Jesus calls for in the Bible. He wants hearts and souls that are shaped in vibrant faith and love toward God and others. How can parents cultivate this in their children? In this book Dr. Michelle Anthony shares practical examples and biblical insight on the spiritual role of parenting. It introduces the simple but revolutionary concept that parents are, by the power of God’s Spirit, to obey and depend on God in order to create an environment he can use to beckon their children to him.


Parenting children for a life of faith

(Rachel Turner, Barnabas)

2016 conference recommendation by Elaine Webster

2015, 2014, 2013 & 2012 conference recommendation by Rachel Turner

2011 conference recommendation by Jane Butcher and Catherine Kyte

Nurturing children in the Christian faith is a privilege given to all of us whose prime job is to raise children. God’s desire is that our parenting should guide each child to meet and know him, and to live with him every day through to eternity. The basic principle behind the ideas explored is that we need to model what it means to be in a relationship with God rather than just equipping them to know about him – helping our children to be God-connected rather than just God-smart.

Sue says: The majority of the book is focused on helping children pray and listen to God. It has much to say to anyone working with children – not just parents. Parents may well need encouragement and church support to have the confidence to model many of the ideas.


Founding fathers

(Nathan Blackaby, Christian Vision for Men) Other contributors: Carl Beech, Mark Chester, Dave Hearn, Krish Kandiah, Steve Legg, Ian Manifold, Jason Royce, Doug McWilliam

2016 conference recommendation by Mark Chester & Tony Sharp

Never before have good male role models, for children and young people, been recognized as so urgently needed. Nathan Blackaby shares characteristics of great men of faith from the Bible and personal experience and also draws on experts in areas including fostering, adoption, blended families, toddlers, teenagers, talking about sex, rites of passage, limited access and grand-parenting,  giving pointers and ideas to help men be intentional, Godly fathers, whatever their circumstances. This book celebrates the importance of the role of fathering at all stages of the journey and offers thinking and help to dads as well men with no children who could still be a key influence to a fatherless generation. Discounts are available for bulk purchases through the web site: 


Parenting children for a life of confidence

(Rachel Turner, Barnabas)

The world has a formula for confidence: ‘You are amazing and perfect, just the way you are. People should love and accept you, and, if they don’t, well, that’s their problem. Some of the Christian community goes along with this formula. We can be told in church: ‘God made us perfect and precious. You are unique and wonderful, like a gemstone in his eyes, worthy of so much.’ We think that if our children could just believe those statements deep in their hearts, then they would be confident. If only they could live those beliefs, they would be able to weather the storms in the world. The problem is that the formula doesn’t work… In this thought-provoking and engaging book, Rachel Turner explores how we can help our children to discover a healthy core of confidence, offering practical wisdom and suggestions for nurturing this in daily life.

Sue says: This is the third Parenting Children for a Life of… title from Rachel and, as the rest, it isn’t just for parents but gives really helpful insights for anyone who ever has a conversation with children: parents, grandparents, Godparents, teachers, church leaders, church members – the list could go on. It is full of anecdotes and useful suggestions on how you may shape your comments and questions for children in ways that may help them grow in confidence and live joyfully in the freedom that Jesus has purchased for them.


Parenting children for a life of purpose 

(Rachel Turner, Barnabas)

2015 conference recommendation by Rachel Turner

The bestselling book at the 2014 conference

2014 conference recommendation by Rachel Turner

Too long we have stood apart as a church and looked at children and teens and said, ‘We love you, we value you, but we don’t need you.’ We can be the church that God designed. This is a practical book exploring the possibilities for helping children to discover their specific gifts for what God is calling them to be, and how parents might partner with churches to enable children to discover their true identity and purpose in life and walk alongside them on the journey. Addressing issues of identity, relationship, purpose, power, love, calling and response, each chapter includes true stories and questions to help us to reflect on our own experiences.


Parenting children

(Mark and Lindsay Melluish, David C Cook)

2013, 2012 & 2011 conference recommendation by Mark & Lindsay Melluish

Part of the Family Time Parenting Children course, but this book stands alone.

Parents are entrusted with lives that they will inevitably mould and shape – both by what they do and by what they don’t do. It’s a privilege and a responsibility. This book mines the wisdom that comes to us from the Bible, exploring in a practical way how parents can raise children within the framework of God’s liberating, unconditional love – a love that seeks to build up, to guide in right ways, is not afraid to discipline when necessary, does not demand performance, and always offers forgiveness.


One dad encountering God

(Brad Lincoln, Barnabas)

What if God has left an important clue about his personality somewhere inside us, as if, in making us, he left his signature? This book shares the reflections of one ordinary man about what it means to be a dad – and how that fits in with his feelings about life, the universe and God.

Sue says: This book isn’t aimed at me! It is not a book on how to be a better dad, rather more about how being a dad can provide fresh insights into your relationship with God. A good book to give dads who are exploring faith.


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Parenting children and Parenting teenagers

Family time (New Wine)

Courses information.

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Parenting children and Parenting teenagers

Alpha stable

Courses information.

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Time out for parents

Care for the family

Courses information.

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Care for the family

Course information.

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Course information.




Simple Truths

(MaryFlo Ridley & Hester Bouwer, 2016 conference)

Provide parents with the tools and confidence to talk to younger children about the ‘Birds and the Bees’ in a natural and comfortable way. Find out more about the Simple Truths programme.

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