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Alan Charter

Alan Charter …is a children’s champion, foster carer and adoption advocate, and longs to see the church worldwide flourish in helping children both thrive in families and as part of the family of God. He loves being a connector and serves the Global...

Bob Hartman

Bob Hartman …has been a storyteller for over 20 years, travelling widely across the world. He’s the author of over fifty books for children including the Lion Storyteller Bible, Anyone can tell a Bible story and, most recently, The Rhyming Bible. 2023 Main...

Catherine Kyte

Catherine Kyte …has worked with children and families for many years both in church and wider settings. She is the author of various publications, including Children’s Ministry Guide to leading a Child to Christ. Catherine works for the Mothers’ Union, where she...

Colin Bennett

Colin Bennett …is Director of Children, Community and Family Studies courses at Moorlands College. He became a Christian whilst training as a Youth and Community Worker and he and his wife worked in Birmingham and Sheffield on a variety of projects. Colin also...

Elaine Webster

Elaine Webster …has been working with children and young people for over 14 years. She has led Spirit filled kids and youth ministry in a wide variety of contexts from small church to large scale kids work with over 600 children. Elaine leads training days and...